Time is Running Out

Click on the Scripture references below to listen to the audio of the Scripture reading or song; or to view the Scripture Memory page.

Today’s Passage – Psalms 69 – 72

Second Milers also read –  Psalms 141 – 145; Proverbs 29 (Note – we will start back again reading the New Testament on Sunday, July 1)

Scripture Memory for June – Psalm 139

Listen to this morning’s Scripture song – Proverbs 27:15

Read a previous post from this passage – “Who Are You Magnifying?”

“Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.” – (Psalm 71:18)

A few years ago, the verse referenced above would have meant little to me. I would have probably glance right over it, quickly, without giving it much thought. However, the older I get, the more I realize that there is still a great deal more that I would like to see accomplished through the ministry the Lord has entrusted me with; yet I am quickly running out of both the time and energy that I need to do it. You may think based upon what you’ve just read that I am in my 70’s. Though I feel that old at times, I am only 47; but I am becoming more and more aware of the fact that my time on this earth is very limited.

I want my life to count for something. I want to be used of God to help “shew” my generation the strength and power of God. I need to get busy, and I need to become more proficient at what I am doing so as to make the best use of the time that I have left. I am not all that pleased with what has been accomplished so far in the twenty-two years that I have been saved; or even in the ten years that I have been a pastor. I know that God could have helped a lot more people through a more yielded vessel. But, He is not through with me yet. This morning, I have made a choice to not dwell in the failures (or even the successes) of the past, but instead look to the future. God has given me life today; and today I can give that life back to Him, for His use, and for His glory. So can you. What are you living your life for? What are you accomplishing today that will be used of God to make a difference in eternity. The Psalmist prayer was to remain here on the earth until he was able to fulfil his ministry of telling everybody about God. That’s a great request, and it should be the prayer and goal of each of us who are saved today. Time is running out; your appointment with death is approaching.

“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” – (Ephesians 5:16)

“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” – (Hebrews 9:27)

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Ted Stahl
Ted Stahl
12 years ago

“Like a flint.”
I know how you feel, I’m 58: if I’m lucky, I have 12 more years: if I’m very lucky – less. But luck has nothing to do with anything. The excess baggage we carry around with us, mistakes we made in the past, can weigh a ton. All the scew-ups we made; God knew about them before we were even born. Chalk up the past as a learning experience: don’t dwell there: move forward. Love ya Preacher.

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