Who Are You Magnifying?

Today’s Passage – Psalm 69 – 74

Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified. (Psalm 70:4)

As I was reading the passage this morning, my attention was drawn to the phrase, “let God be magnified”.  The word magnify or magnified is used a couple of dozen times in the Bible, but I was interested to discover that most of the occasions for its use was to record men who have attempted to magnify themselves over God.  We are certainly prideful creatures by nature.  We do an awful lot in order to make ourselves bigger in the eyes of our peers.  I was forced to do a little self-examination about myself while pondering this thought.  How much do I do in order to enlarge myself.  Even this daily blog that I do: is it all about God, or is it all about the magnification of me?  Sobering thought.  Am I trying to keep up with the spiritual Jones’ (the “big preachers” who all use this type of format)? Don’t misunderstand, I think this is a great tool for communication, but what is the motivation behind it?  How about the church?  Do I want to see it grow so that God will be glorified, or is there hidden down deep in my soul a secret, prideful agenda of self-elevation?  I am just trying to be honest. How about you?  Is your life’s pursuit the magnification of self; or are you trying to magnify the Lord?

The Bible is clear, we are to magnify God!  Now that does not mean that we make God bigger.  We can’t possibly do that.  God already is infinite in everything that He is.  What God is, He is infinitely and completely.  All of His attributes are who He is.  He does not just possess love, He IS love.  No, we can’t make God bigger, but we can see Him bigger.  A magnifying glass does not make the words on the page bigger, but it does allow us to see them bigger.  How big is your God?  Perhaps you cannot see God as big as He really is because you have magnified yourself.  The bigger you are, the smaller God is.  Make yourself smaller in your sight, and God may just get bigger to you.

Two more thoughts.  God does not just want us to magnify Him, He also wants us to magnify:

1  His Name

And let thy name be magnified for ever, saying, The LORD of hosts is the God over Israel:… (2 Samuel 7:26)

Let it even be established, that thy name may be magnified for ever, saying, The LORD of hosts is the God of Israel, even a God to Israel: (1 Chronicles 17:24)

2  His Word

I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. (Psalm 138:2)

Let us all try to minimize ourselves and exalt the Lord Jesus Christ!

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Gary Geiger
Gary Geiger
14 years ago

Faith activates God – Fear activates the Enemy

Brian L.
Brian L.
14 years ago

I love reading these daily post. I miss JSBC and being so close to it (literally 5 minutes away!) and now being over an hour away. But, these postings seem to always be set in place whenever I feel lost, confused or detached from God.
It is easy to forget about God and to wake up one morning and say, “wow when was the last time I read the Word or when did I really sit down and prayed?” with our schedules and working hours its easy to get wrapped up in life and forget who gave us this life. Sometimes I feel completely alone in this world, with doubts and frustrations. But, I am learning to look up before looking ahead. He is in charge and I will never forget that. These posts are sometimes all I need to click me back in place and realize God is in charge of my life.

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