Praises and Prayer

If you have a praise or a prayer request that you want added to the prayer list, please leave a comment on this page, or on the latest post; or you can E-mail me at; or you can call the church office at (609) 748-4955. Prayer requests will remain on the list for 2 weeks unless updates are given.

Click here to view the Jersey Shore Baptist Church – 250212 Prayer List Revised 0212

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Building Update

Praise the Lord – we have received our Certificate of Occupancy and we are now using our new building! Pray now for the additional items that need to be completed including television monitors; cabinets for the workroom, bathrooms, classroom, and nursery; and a fence.

Pray especially this week for Cardiff Baptist Church – Pastor Rick and Marianne Marmon.

Pray for the Berean Bible Institute, JSBA and VBC.

Pray for revival in our church.

Pray that we see more people saved and baptized.


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Bob Fenton
Bob Fenton
1 year ago

Praying for all the request, and that the Lord will answer those request according to His will. And also that the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit will help me to keep walking in the shadows of the Cross to be a walking testimony for him, and help me do my best for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Sister T.
Sister T.
1 year ago

God bless your church! I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ does exceedingly abundantly above all you ask or think. We rejoice for the great favor God has over the blessed church. We pray that you all as a church family remain steadfast, unmovable, and are always abounding in His work for His glory!

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