About Pastor Erickson

Pastor Phil Erickson has been the pastor of Jersey Shore Baptist Church since January of 2002. Having grown up in Ocean County, Pastor Phil has always had a burden for the south Jersey area. After graduating from Bible College in Longview, Texas, he and his family moved to Galloway Township with the vision of digging in and serving the Lord and the people of Atlantic County.

Pastor Phil and Cindy Erickson have been married for 38 years, have four children and ten grandchildren. Their oldest son, Phil Jr. and wife Katelyn are serving the Lord in Paradise, Texas. Their oldest daughter, Melissa, is married to Wesley Clayton who is in the Air Force and is currently stationed in Alaska.  Samantha, their third child, is married to Justin Mears and they are both serving the Lord at the church in Galloway. Hannah is the youngest and has also moved to Texas to serve alongside her brother.


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Debbie Shaw
Debbie Shaw
7 years ago

Thank you so much for the scripture readings ! God is so amazing how he works ! I have been reading your scriptures and taking notes for a couple of weeks now , and. have found it quite edifying . My husband , son and daughter and myself live in Brentwood Bay British Columbia Canada . We are all born again Christians Praise God . We recently have sold our home and are now seeking the Lord guidance to see where He would have us move to . This going to be complete walk in faith because we are also going to be farming ! I can see already this is God’s hand because we have had so much confirmation from people regarding this . My husband sees this as not only a great way of life , but also an opportunity to help those who are less fortunate . We are connected to a rock solid Christian church , and will miss them all when we move . However we are reassured. knowing that God is everywhere ! Bless you Pastor Erickson I will pray for you and church , plus be in prayer for God to bring the right president into power . Please be in prayer for our family , that The Lord finds us that perfect farm , and we can start doing his work for the kingdom ! Blessing , Debbie Shaw

7 years ago

I just recently stumbled on your nice site. Awesome work! Your website is very thorough and discusses some interesting topics. May God continue to bless your ministry. Sincerely, Kurt from Messiah-of-God.com

pastor isaac
pastor isaac
5 years ago

Dear brother and sister,
salute you in the mighty Name of Jesus Our Savior.I am Pastor Isaac
Apama from Kenya, I am so much humbled Brethren to have this
privilege to visit your ministry web and am so blessed to have this
wonderful opportunity to contact you through the internet and was
privileged to find your contact. After prayerfully reading and
studying your web page, I was spiritually changed, moved and thrilled.
My spiritual stagger went stronger to find that you have what we need
for spiritual growth. Right now we are praying for the Lord’s will to
open door for Affiliation and brethren we shall be enlightened
mentally, healed emotionally, and give hope to hopeless lives and
reconciled to God
I give God all the Glory of allowing me, and leading me to your
wonderful and heart touching website, that contains spiritual TRUTH,
we humbly pray that the Holy Spirit visit your hearts and humbly spend
time with us as our spiritual mentors. We hunger and thirst for your
fellowship and teachings. If God provides the opportunity we beseech
that beloved inn Christ Jesus, you fellowship will be
our Joy. A ministry well done by His faithful servants brings GLORY to
Christ.We shall be blessed to work together brethren,and Lord shall be
glorified. Stay blessed, I hope to hearing from you. Blessings to you
Yours in faithfully
Pastor Isaac Apama

Matthew Nikoley
Matthew Nikoley
5 years ago

God bless you and your family as you serve the Lord.

Debbie Shaw
Debbie Shaw
4 years ago

Dear Pastor Erickson ,
It has been three years since I last wrote . Since then my family and I have been living on Gabriola Island . This is a small island on the west coast of British Columbia. The Lord has blessed us with a little over 5 acres and modest house . The Lord has also provide us with heritage pigs , plus egg laying chickens . Our son and daughter are both very happy here . God has brought lots of Christian friends our way . We thank God every day for what he has done and will be doing !
Blessings in Christ , Debbie Shaw

Joyce Truex
Joyce Truex
4 years ago

Pastor Erickson I visiting a church in Arrington Va,and Pastor Carroll ask me to give you a message please call him, thanks

pastor steven oyaro
pastor steven oyaro
3 years ago


 Pastor , Greetings to you in the majestic name of our Lord Jesus Christ . I pray that this humble,friendly message finds you walking in the favor of God.
 God,s minister, God has invested enough message of salvation in you to get out of your country to go all over the world to preach the gospel and win more souls to Christ.
 God has called you out of many, chosen you ,anointed you and approved you for his great Job.
Pastor, God has a purpose with you life.He has created you to accomplish the great things for him.
Pastor, this specific task which God has for you and no body else! whether is to plant new churches, to start a bible school or a soup kitchen of the poor,is God,s vision for you.
 Pastor,God Has called you and He placed you in a specific congregation or ministry,because He has a specific task that you support to fulfill here.
Pastor , God has a task and a purpose for you.He will be with you and He will accomplish the task through His power.He will equip you and give you the power to do it.
 Pastor, He is faithful.if He calls you to a task that is greater than your own abilities,He will also give you the people to support the good work you are doing for Him.
 Pastor, God has a plan with your life.yes! even before you were born,He planned you in the finest detail, humble yourself before the Lord He will lift you up[James 4;-10]
Pastor, you are God,s special workmanship.psalm 139,says that God knew you before you were formed in your mother,s womb!
 pastor, your greatest blessings began when God said,He created you in his image in Genesis 1;26, everything you put your hands to, is going to prosper.
 Pastor, you are so precious to the Lord,silver and gold wasn,t enough.God wanted to purchase you with something more valuable than any precious mental or mineral.so He used the blood of Jesus Christ.
 Surely, in everything we do,we believe in positive changing and affecting the lives of people who we are constantly working towards inspiring change.
Pastor, working together is so fruitful growth and maturity in the Lord among us.
My good friend, we are thanking God that we are connected to an anointing servant ,ministry ,who are committed in spreading the  

GOOD NEWS of spreading a salvation message and win more souls and many to LOVE Jesus Christ .
We are pray that one day God will open a way you to bring His message to us-here in Africa.
 May the Lord be with you, please.plant your work here in Kenya, Covid 19 will be defeated, God is able and strong to heal the World, and this will be back to normal.

Thank you,

Pastor  Steven  Oyaro

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