Guest Post by Melissa Clayton

Todays passage Job37-39

Good morning everyone!!!!!! As I continue my reading in Job I have become more and more amazed of the wonderous works of the Lord that are shown in these passages. It seems like every verse points to the power and magesty of our Creator.

I read these chapters over and over again trying to decide what to write about and every time I read, a certain section of verses seemed to stick out to me. Take notice of chapter 39:13-16. These verses talk about the ostrich, and the one phrase that stuck out the most was v16″ her labour is in vain without fear; ” As i began to study more about the ostrich i realized that the ostrich is a very prideful and careless bird. The bible says that the the ostrich “leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in the dust” she forgetteth that the foot may crush them,or the wild beast may break them”. It also talks about how she is hardened against her own young as though they were not even hers and after everything her labour is in vain because she has no fear.

I realized something VERY important as i read this. We as christians are a lot like an ostrich!! We are proud and careless and just like an ostrich is hardened against her young, so are we hardened against our christian walk with God. We make no provision and no safety for our own souls often time leaving them exposed  to Satan and worldly temptations. Most of all we are boastful and prideful and we just dont care. When we have no fear we are basically telling God that “we got this” we can live life on our own and we dont really need him. Well guess what? We cant make it on our own. We might slide by without God for awhile and things might seem ok, but pride always cometh before destruction.

Christian lets not be like the ostrich. Lets not leave ourselves exposed to Satan and the things of this world ,but most of all lets lose the prideful “me,me,me” attitude and lets get Gods fear back into our lives!!!! Remember our labour is in vain without fear!!!

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Brian L.
Brian L.
14 years ago

great message melissa, I enjoyed your last part the most.

14 years ago

Great post Melissa! It scares me too how hard my heart can be without even realizing it . Keeping my focus on the Lord is almost a fulltime job. Although Jobs friends were miserable comforters. They showed themselves to be true friends who feared God in that they came to Job to tell him what they thought instead of talking amongst themselves behind Jobs back!WOW! How blessed our lives would be if we all could get a hold of the fear of the Lord.May the Lord help us.

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