Speaking On God’s Behalf

Today’s Passage – Job 34 – 36

Suffer me a little, and I will shew thee that I have yet to speak on God’s behalf. (Job 36:2)

In our reading we have been listening to a long speech (chapters 32 – 37) given by a man named Elihu, who claims to be speaking on behalf of God.  I am still trying to figure Elihu out.  At first, I included him with Job’s other three friends who were condemning Job.  However, at second glance, it does not appear that Elihu’s purpose is to condemn Job.  It seems to be the aim of Elihu to justify God.  It is interesting that at the end of the book God does not rebuke Elihu as he does the other three men.  Elihu seems to be defending God’s right as the God of the universe to do whatever He wants; and that everything He does is right.  Elihu further seems to be inferring that Job’s grumbling about his present distress is really a grumbling against God.  I can’t find fault in much of what Elihu has to say , particularly what he says about God.

What I really wanted to talk about, however, is the little phrase in verse 2 of chapter 6, “…I have yet to speak on God’s behalf”.  And then in verse 3 he says, “…I will ascribe righteousness to my Maker”.  That’s some good stuff right there.  Elihu says that he has a lot left to say about the righteousness of God.

Christian, you and I have a lot to say on behalf of God as well.  Paul told the church at Corinth that they were ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ.  We have the awesome privilege and responsibility of representing the Lord on this earth; and the people of this world have a lot to learn about the Lord.  Take full advantage of every opportunity that you get to ascribe righteousness to the Lord, and to speak on His behalf.  This world needs to hear about their Creator; but how shall they hear if His children are clamming up.

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eileen purcell
eileen purcell
14 years ago

As I was reading todays passage I thought about how much head knowledge Job’s friends had about God. If they were speaking from the heart they would have encouraged Job with the nearness of God in his troubles. God’s grace was with Job and he was not going through this alone. God knew Job would not fail this test and would come through as gold. Our trials may seem hard but God only gives what we can handle and he walks through them with us.

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