Lessons From Job

Today’s Passage – Job 1 – 3

Job is an amazing passage of Scripture.  It helps us understand a side of suffering that perhaps we would not be able to figure out without it.  Job is a man that suffered tremendously at the hand of Satan, and with the permission of God.  However, the curious part about Job’s suffering was the fact that he did not do anything to cause it.  In other words, the suffering was not brought on as a result of his sin or as some type of a judgment from God.  On the contrary, Job was put through the fire because he was a righteous man.  He was a man that “feared God and eschewed (put away; kept it far from him) evil”.  We like to think that if someone lives a life like Job lived that his life will be free from problems; however, this is not the case.

From this passage, we can learn some things about the Christian life:

1  If you live your life fearing God and eschewing evil, you will have the blessing of God.  When we speak of Job, we always focus on his season of suffering.  However, Job’s life overall was a life that was blessed tremendously by the Lord.  He did, in fact, have that hedge of protection around him and his family  for most of his life.

2  If you live a life like Job lived you will have the attention of God; but Satan will also be personally aware of you.  Satan had, in fact, considered Job.  I don’t know if Satan even knows my name.  I’m sure there are some devils who know me well; but Satan?  Job, who is neither omniscient nor omnipresent, had been paying close attention to Job.

3  Satan, if given the opportunity, will destroy you.  He hates you almost as much as he hates God.  The good news is that Satan is on a leash.  He cannot do what God does not permit him to do.

4  God will only permit Satan to do what you are able to handle.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

5  God will eventually remove the suffering.  He gave back Job double of everything He allowed Satan to take from him.  God even gave him ten more children in addition to the ten that were waiting for him in Heaven.

Learn these lessons from Job.  When suffering comes your way, don’t think that God is not aware or not even personally involved in it.  Try to learn the lesson that God may be trying to teach you through the suffering.  Glorify Him in the suffering.  Our God is a loving Heavenly Father who only does what is right.  Trust Him!

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Issan Acosta
Issan Acosta
14 years ago

Thank you Pastor this helps and encourages me a lot. GOD IS GOOOD!

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