What Goes Around Comes Around

Today’s Passage – Esther 7 – 10

In today’s reading we read about the destruction of Haman, his family, and all others who would try to hurt the people of God. Remember, in the previous chapters we read how that Haman had a carefully devised plan to have all of the Jews in the Kingdom of Persia put to death.  He even built a special gallows to have Mordecai, Esther’s uncle, displayed on.  His plan ended up destroying only him and his kind; and he ended up being hung on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai.  He got back what  he gave to others.

Christians today need to remember that the principle of sowing and reaping still exists.  Thank the Lord as God’s children we won’t reap nearly the amount of judgment as compared to the sin that we have sown; but we will reap some in this life. However, we can also reap back a lot of good if we sow it.  As the people of God today, we should be concerned with sowing love, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness to the people around us.  I am sure that there will be times when we will want to have those things come back to us.

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