The Sovereignty of God

Today’s Passage – Esther 1 – 3

When I read the passage today from the first three chapters of Esther, I considered how awesome our God is.  The nation of Israel is going to survive no matter who comes up against them. God has promised that they would.  Here in this passage we see the rise to power of a wicked anti-Semite (Haman) who sought to eliminate the Jews from off of the face of the earth. However, God was working behind the scenes all along, putting the right people in position that would be there when needed to thwart Haman’s wicked plan.  God raised up Mordecai and Esther for just this purpose.  Now if Esther chooses not to obey God, He will get somebody else to do the job; but Esther would forever remember that she blew an opportunity to serve and glorify the God of the Universe.

I wonder what God is raising me up for; or perhaps my children.  Could it be that God is positioning you and I for some part of His perfect plan.  Could it be that God has some great task for us to accomplish in His will.  Everything that God wants us to do is great.  I wonder, though, will I be ready when the time comes?  Will I make the right decision.  As we will see, Esther wavered slightly before finally making the right decision.  I hope that I will choose to do the right thing when the time comes.  I hope that God won’t have to pick somebody else to do what I could do.  I hope that when the time comes, I will be found faithful.

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