We Will Not Forsake The House Of Our God.

Today’s Passage – Nehemiah 10 – 13 

For the children of Israel and the children of Levi shall bring the offering of the corn, of the new wine, and the oil, unto the chambers, where are the vessels of the sanctuary, and the priests that minister, and the porters, and the singers: and we will not forsake the house of our God. (Nehemiah 10:39)

 As I read the passage this morning from the 10th chapter of Nehemiah the phrase, “we will not forsake the house of our God” jumped out at me.  In this carefree day that we live in we see the house of God being forsaken in many ways.  Let me list some of them: 

1  In the area of giving. 

The context of this chapter deals with this point.  The people made a vow here that they would put God first in their tithes and offerings.  Today, in our churches, the sad reality is that very few people tithe; and by not giving they are voting to forsake the house of God.  The strength of God’s house will be determined by the support of the people.  

We also forsake the house of God when we do not give our time in service to the Lord. 

2  In the area of going. 

Two things I think of when it comes to going.  The first is that many folks just don’t go to church as often as they should.  The Bible is clear that we are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, especially in these last days.   

Secondly, however, we see very few people in our churches that are willing to go out into the highways and hedges and share the gospel with the folks in their community.  Jesus commands us to go; and when we fail to obey Him in this area we are forsaking the House of God. 

3  In the area of gossip 

If the Christian is going to be able to live the victorious Christian life, he must be a part of a strong church.  However, when people run their mouths about the preacher or the church, they are reducing the strength of the ministry.  They are forsaking the House of God. 

In this post Christian culture that we live in today, God’s people must determine to support and strengthen the House of God.  We desperately need strong churches today if our families are to survive in their fight against the world, flesh, and the devil.  


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Brian L.
Brian L.
14 years ago

i agree with the posting. So, i figured my posting will outline how i agree with the 3 main points.

1 – i feel people cut back on tithing because they feel that money is something they “need” or cannot do without. We forget though that without God, that money would never be in our pockets.

2 – It’s sad but sometimes something needs to happen for people to end up in church. We look for God during the bad times, but when everything is ok we forget about Him and going to church. What is most important though also, is spreading the Word via your own testimony or simply because it is what is right.

3 – I think everyone falls victim to gossiping, even if they dont mean to. One thing i learned though, is that everyone has their own problems and everyones situation is unique and everyone can say something about anyone… its up to us though, to cut all that out, wake up and appreciate what we have instead of creating turmoil.

Hey, but whatever gossip you hear about me…is prolly true, im a pretty mean guy and not the easiest to the eye so its not hard to paint an ugly picture of me HAHA (j.k., please don’t)

Rich Frick
Rich Frick
14 years ago

Gossip, everyone does it. It is not a good thing and most people use it more to tear people down or push the blame to someone else. I seem to think that the people that do it the most are folks the have bigger problems than the one they are talking about. It’s kind of like drinking, the more you do it the less likely you are to think about your own lifes problems (temperary).

14 years ago

I never gossip; at least that’s what I’ve heard!!!

14 years ago

I agree we need to strength the house of the lord and do his will.

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