When? – The Saturday Morning Post

Today’s Passage – 1 Timothy 4 – 2 Timothy 2 (Click on the references to listen to the audio – click here to view the text from the Blue Letter Bible website)

(Second Milers also read – Psalms 76 – 80; Proverbs 16)

Read the “1216 Evening and Morning“ devotion for today, by the late Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

Good morning. When will the Temple at Jerusalem be rebuilt? Who is the son of perdition that will sit in the Temple attempting to show that he is God? This guy who thinks he is God doesn’t come on the scene unless there be a falling away first. Look around you, many are embracing the moon god, instead of the God who created the moon, and earth, and everything else. Not too long ago, many Christian churches, decided to reject God’s word, and embrace Homosexuality, which God calls an abomination. They marry two men or two women as husband and wife.

Yet this abomination is freely accepted by many in this country and around the world. Why?

There is a falling away from God’s Word. Actions prove it. Many embrace the new versions of the Bible, even though they contain many mistakes that have been brought to light. Compromise is everywhere: we try to please everyone instead of just concentrating on pleasing God. Some say that God and the Bible are not for today. God says…

If you look at Sodom, God told Abraham that He would spare the city for just 10 righteous people. God used angels to forcibly remove Lot, Lot’s wife and his two daughters from the danger of God’s wrath. Four souls. And because of this promise to Abraham, many believe that the Lord will return and rapture His church out of here before America is destroyed. Can God do that? He sure can, just ask Enoch. God raptured him out before bringing the flood. God preserved Noah and his family in the ark along with all the types of animals that were in the world. But what about the 12 to 20 million Christians murdered by the Communists of the Soviet regime? What about the 6 million Jews killed by the Fascist regime of Nazi Germany? What about those killed by ISIS, locked in cages, and the doused with gasoline: set on fire, and burned alive? Is “Rocket Man” going to get a lucky shot in? Maybe the Lord going to return after 6000 years? I don’t know, but according to the Hebrew calendar, the year is 5784. We still have 216 years to go. Can America last that long? Unless she returns to God it is doubtful. All the action in Revelation centers around Israel. And what of the end of the world?

The end of the world started when the Lord Jesus Christ made the final payment for sin on the cross: it is finished!

Listen to what the Bible says, and watch and pray.


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Bob Fenton
Bob Fenton
6 months ago

Amen Pastor Ted. We can see the signs of the times which started back in 1962 when the supreme court ruled to take prayer out of the schools and it’s happening right now in our country, and throughout this world, our government embracing homosexuality, teaching it in our schools. teaching our children, sexual perversion without parents permission. Our nation and world has turned into another Sodom and Gomorrah.And I can keep going on and on. As Christians do we walk the fence or do we stand for Christ? like the post.

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