More Than Preaching


Today’s Passages – 2 Thessalonians 1 – 1 Timothy 3 (Click on the references to listen to the audio – click here to view the text from the Blue Letter Bible website)

(Second Milers also read – Psalms 71 – 75; Proverbs 15)

Listen to this morning’s Scripture Song – Psalm 119:105

Read the “1215 Evening and Morning“ devotion for today, by the late Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;” (1 Timothy 1:12)

I have always been very fond of this verse. Paul knew that he had been given an awesome privilege when God called Him into the ministry, and I am very conscious of the fact that my calling is just as special and important as Paul’s. I notice also from this verse that Paul didn’t say that God called him because of his qualifications except for the one thing that God found in him, which was faithfulness. God does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called  and He will call those who are faithful.

What does it mean to be in the ministry? What does a minister do? Is it just getting up in front of people and yelling for 45 minutes on Sunday morning? My friend, it is so much more than that. Let me share with you some thoughts regarding what the ministry entails:

1  The Ministry Is About People –  People have all kinds of problems and needs. A true minister of God does not see people as a means to fulfill his desires or goals; rather a minister recognizes that he is called of God to serve the people and to give them what they need in order to have the very best of God’s blessings upon their life. A minister does not try to be God to the people, but rather tries to bring the people closer to God.

2  The Ministry is About Prayer – I must confess right now that this area is the weakest part of my ministry for the Lord, and it is number one on the list of things that I would like to improve in the new year. Actually, as of now, it is the only thing on the list. According to Acts 6, the apostles felt that their primary duties were “to give [themselves] continually unto prayer, and the ministry of the word.”  That would be a pretty good starting point for preachers today. We need to pray for our people, our churches, our communities, and our country.

3  The Ministry Is About Perspiration – There is work to be done. The Bible says that the office of a Bishop is a good “work.” Many full-time servants of God are lazy. They get up late, eat too much, and go home early. It will take a lot of work to be effective as a minister. There is soulwinning, visitation, hospital visits, administrative work, counseling, cleaning, planning, building, etc. Preachers ought to be up early and on the job before the world get’s up. Satan never stops working to advance his agenda.

4  The Ministry Is About Preparation – The pastor should spend hours in the study, preparing to feed the flock that God has entrusted them with. His people deserve fresh bread from Heaven that came directly out of time spent with God in study and in prayer. Sometimes, it is easy to get lazy in preparation. We can quickly throw some “fast food” together to serve our people but God expects more out of His ministers. Work, pray, and study so that God’s people will be fed gourmet meals from the pulpit each week.

I hope that you can see now that the ministry consists of so much more than is visible on the surface. What a privilege it is to serve such an awesome, wonderful, omnipotent, and merciful God. What has God called you to do? If you have been called to a ministry, it is because He found you to be faithful; but are you still faithfully fulfilling what God has called you to do?

Posted in Thoughts from 1 Timothy by with 3 comments.
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Bob Fenton
Bob Fenton
2 years ago

Amen Pastor. Romans 10:15 How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace,And bring glad tidings of good thing!
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Deb L.
Deb L.
1 year ago

Lord bless the preachers & pastors of our country & the world; that take their calling serious. And help them to follow these 4 steps in their ministry. Thank you for their faithful service & dedication. Enlarge their territory. Bless each step they walk, each prayer they pray, & each word they speak, that it be of Your Will Lord. Amen

Bob Fenton
Bob Fenton
7 months ago

Amen Pastor. Thank you Pastor for the fresh bread every Sunday morning every Sunday night and every Wednesday night.And thank you for filling my spiritual the post.

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