Blessings Come From The Presence Of God

Today’s Reading – 1 Chronicles 12 & 13

And the ark of God remained with the family of Obededom in his house three months. And the LORD blessed the house of Obededom, and all that he had. (1Chronicles 13:14)

The context of today’s passage reveals that David had just been recognized by the entire nation of Israel as the king of the land.  David wanted to unify the nation even further; and he desperately wanted the blessings of God for the nation: so he sought to bring the ark back into its proper place.  While bringing the ark back to Jerusalem, the oxen stumble which caused Uzza to reach back and steady the ark.  You know the story, God kills Uzza instantly:  he was not supposed to touch the ark.  

My purpose for this writing is not to discuss what David did wrong in how he transported the ark; but rather to notice how God blessed the house of Obededom simply because the ark of God was temporarily placed in his house, under his care, for safe keeping.  The ark represented the presence of God; and God will always bless the house that has God present in it.

Is God’s presence clearly apparent in your life and family.  Perhaps there are things in your house (and mine) that quench and grieve the fullness of God’s presence.  Maybe it’s time to clean out our houses and make a home for God to dwell in; a place that God can bless abundantly; a place where God is in control.

By the way, the ark of God only physically rested in the house of Obededom for three months; but apparently Obededom wanted more of God’s presence because we read later in chapter 16 that Obededom became a porter in the house of God.  He wanted to be as close to the presence of God as he could.  How about you?  Do you desire the presence of God in your life and in your home?

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Rich Frick
Rich Frick
14 years ago

There my be things I need to clean out but don’t see them as needing to go (excluding the things that are in me). I really need to bring things in. FAMILY and PERSONAL DEVOTION time is a big area I need to get into my house. I’m sure the more of the Word that gets into my house the more I’ll find what needs to go out.

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