Guest Post by Sara Scates

Our Pastor: Worthy of Double Honour

May is a busy month for celebrating. Last Sunday we celebrated mothers. They are certainly very deserving of a day to be honoured. Ephesians 6:2 says, Honour thy father and mother. Whether you know it or not, last week was also Nurses Week and Teacher Appreciation Week. These two professions, in my opinion, are worthy of a time set aside to be recognized. Both nurses and teachers spend a great deal of time ministering to the needs of others. Before the month of May draws to a close, there will also be days designated specifically to commemorate fallen soldiers, active military personnel, and police officers. There may be more observance-type holidays that I’ve missed for the month of May and there are most definitely countless more marked on the calendar throughout the year. The Bible is filled with verses encouraging us to: honour, remember, and salute. BUT- there is only one position that God’s Word states is worthy of “double honour.”

Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word or doctrine. 1 Timothy 5:17

Under the inspiration of God, Paul is writing here in this passage that faithful Pastors are counted worthy of double honour. Can we agree that we could all do a little bit better at honoring our Pastor? Maybe he hit a sore spot as he was preaching God’s Word a few weeks back. Maybe he didn’t greet you personally when you passed by last Sunday after church. Maybe you had an urgent prayer request and he wasn’t able to take your call right away. Despite all these things, the Bible urges us to doubly honour our Pastor. Honouring our Pastor is not so much about ‘who he is’ but rather, ‘what he does.’

And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. 1 Thessalonians 5:12,13

When we, as church members, do not ‘highly esteem’ our Pastor and do not properly respect him, we are hindering his work and rendering him ‘unprofitable’ to the church and the cause of Christ.

Hebrews 13:17 says, Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

In summary, I am saying that along with celebrating mothers, and teachers, and nurses, and veterans, and police officers this month- why don’t we take time out today and EVERY day to doubly honour and highly esteem our Pastor like the Bible is encouraging us to do? Not doing so, as stated at the end of Hebrews 13:17 above is unprofitable for you.

Pastor has been encouraging me to ‘Guest Blog’ on this site for some time now. I know that this is not what he had in mind. I’ll actually be surprised if he leaves it posted once he discovers that I posted it. But, after being present for Kids Club and Bible Study tonight and just engaging in a short conversation with him, God laid this on my heart. We are in the midst of a large-scale effort to see souls saved at Jersey Shore Baptist Church. Pastor is burdened for the people of this area and by way of the campaign we are in and the revival approaching, he is hoping to help more people realize their need for a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan is disgusted by the thoughts of that! Satan would love to destroy our Pastor. Through bus mishaps, congregation conflicts, sickness and injury, financial woes, etc Satan is hurling one dart after another at our Pastor trying to bring him down and the whole church along with him. Praise God we already know who comes out on top!

So, from one church member to another: Can we team up and obey, honour, and esteem our Pastor? He needs our prayers daily. He needs our support- via our attendance at services, our tithes and offerings, and in helping him to do the work of the Lord. And, he needs our encouragement. He mentioned in his devotional yesterday about how its hard to come by men that willingly serve the Lord without looking for a pat on the back. I’d say Pastor is one of these men. In the ministry, if he was only looking for a pat on the back, I think he would have tired from that long ago. He’s still in it because he loves the Lord and he loves serving the Lord through serving men. I think he could benefit from a pat on the back every now and again. I challenge you to find a way to be an encouragement to him sometime soon. The calendar might not read “Pastor Appreciation Day” but why don’t we celebrate anyway?! Drop him a card. Send him a text message. Thank him for staying faithful to the work God has called him to do. Designate part of an offering to his family if you feel so led. Bake him oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Or, PRAY for him. When Satan is seeking to destroy him, it’s up to us to uplift, edify, and encourage him.

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Suzanne DiCanio
Suzanne DiCanio
14 years ago

What a great job you did on this message which I know is surely from the Lord.

Scripture does admonish us to always be in unity as believers in following our pastors and to love them and pray for them. He is the one who has called them and it is His responsibility to deal with them, not ours. We are to support them in every way possible and unless there is a doctrinal error we are always to encourage them and follow their direction.

I often wonder how people can criticize and give their opinion on a message that God has given to the pastor.

Rather, I thank God that we have a man of God in our pulpit who loves the Lord and speaks the Word in all its fullness.

When we think thoughts against him, we must quickly turn them around to good thoughts. Like a garden, we must pull out the weeds and let the good grow.

There is much disloyalty today in churches especially against the pastors. I believe with all my heart that God has given us these men and we are to pray for them constantly. They are in the place where God can use them and it is our responsibility to fight the enemy (Satan) on our knees in his behalf.

I didn’t mean to write all this but just to thank you, Sara for bringing forth this excellent message for the Word of God.

Rich Frick
Rich Frick
14 years ago

Sara, That is great stuff there. I personally agree with what you have said. It really makes me think about the areas that I need to work on with honouring our Pastor. I believe one of the biggest things people can do, If your not going to incourage him, Don’t say anything to discourage him (put a zipper on it). I also have seen things in the past that he has had to deal with that he should not have been involved in. If you have a problem with someone or something outside of what the church and Pastor are here for, Deal with it. If you don’t think you can handle it, that is what we have deacons for.

Alisemary Becker
Alisemary Becker
14 years ago

ThanKs Sara for sharing. You truly speak Gods heart on THE MATTER OF DOUBLE HONOR FOR OUR PASTOR I’m on your team!

Samantha Schanck
Samantha Schanck
14 years ago

This is more true than you could imagine for me. If pastor wasn’t at this church, I know I would not be coming weekly, or at all. My whole perspective on things have changed and pastor has been there every step of the way to help those changes set in correctly. I loved your message.Thanks for making me think how lucky I am to be at JSBC.

Brian L.
Brian L.
14 years ago

I admire and speak highly of our pastor. He has shown many people, including me what life is like once you are saved.
I feel not ashamed to show him who I truly am and for that I pray that God blesses him and the Church.
I feel Jersey Shore Baptist Church is so unique and has become a blessing for many, mainly because of Pastor Erickson

Sarah Becker
Sarah Becker
14 years ago

Sara, You are so right! Thank you so much for your boldness and honesty! God has truly blessed us with an amazing pastor who loves the Lord and loves us. He may not think he is amazing (of course), but God definitely uses him in so many lives. He doesn’t realize the impact he has. You bringing this passage of scripture in the light definitely helps me see the double-honor that God wants me to give to pastor, thanks Sara.

14 years ago

I admire and speak highly of our pastor. He has shown many people, including me what life is like once you are saved.
I feel not ashamed to show him who I truly am and for that I pray that God blesses him and the Church.
I feel Jersey Shore Baptist Church is so unique and has become a blessing for many, mainly because of Pastor Erickson

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