Enduring To All Generations
Today’s Passage – Psalms 96 – 102
Second Milers also read – Matthew 9 – 10; Psalms 21 – 25; Proverbs 5
“For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” – (Psalm 100:5)
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – (John 8:32)
What a glorious privilege it is to know that we have the Truth of the Word of God. Many people are out there searching for the truth that is already freely available to them, if they just knew where to look for it. Others believe, like Pilate, that there is no absolute truth available. But we who are saved know the truth, because the truth has indeed made us free.
Over 22 years ago, I was saved through the ministry of Christian radio. I knew that I would need a Bible if I were to grow spiritually, so I went to a local Christian book store and asked the owner which Bible I should purchase. She first showed me a variety of the modern versions, but finally she handed me a leather-bound King James Bible. She tried to talk me out of it at first because she felt the “archaic” language would be hard for me to understand; but then she told me that this was the version that most preachers and churches used. That sealed it for me. There was just something about that Bible that drew me to it. Somehow I knew that I had found the Truth. I have since learned that I had indeed chosen the inspired Word of God for English speaking people. I have owned many other Bibles since that time, but each of them were King James Bibles; and I have passed down this truth to my children and now grandchildren. Praise God for a Truth that endures through every generation.
For many of us the “which Bible” question has been settled for a long time. We know we have the Truth, and cannot be convinced otherwise. Our problem is not where to find the truth as much as it is what to do with the truth we already possess. Do we examine the truth regularly, and then obey what it tells us? The truth will only free us if we apply it to our lives. If you are reading this blog you most likely have already spent some time today in the Word of God, and that is great. Make sure, however, that you apply what you learn to your life. Let God take that “quick and powerful” truth and use it to purge out some of the dross from your life; and then let him light your path so that you will be able to clearly see His will.
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