Bearing Precious Seed

Today’s Passage – Psalm 125 – 138

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.  He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him (Psalm 126:5&6)

I was torn between two thoughts this morning for my devotion.  I was contemplating writing something about Psalm 133 regarding the subject of unity. The psalmist is right: it is truly a wonderful thing when God’s people are getting along and serving together.  In our church, I have seen times of unity; and I have also seen times when God’s people were bickering over the silliest of things. During the times of harmony, however, I can recall that the people were united in a common purpose: that is they were of one mind, and in one accord in the purpose of  winning people to Christ and fulfilling the Great Commission.

Perhaps the reason why our church has seen so much friction in the past few months is due to the fact that we are not out together sowing the seeds of the gospel.  God has convinced me that the missing element in our ministry is aggressive evangelism.  Unity comes when people are bound together for a cause.  Our cause is the salvation of souls: men and women, boys and girls, rich and poor, black and white; everybody.  I am burdened about unity. I love unity; but we must be unified in the purpose of sowing seed.

Notice three thoughts about Psalm 126:5 & 6

1  There must be weeping – Merely going soul winning without a burden for the lost condition of the people we are trying to reach is a tedious chore; and often it will yield no fruit.  We must have a genuine compassion for the folks that we are trying to reach.  We know that Jesus was moved with compassion; and so should we.

2  There must be the seeding – Burden alone is not enough.  We must go out into the fields; the highways and hedges; the streets and the lanes of the city, and give people the gospel.  We must go, and we must sow the seed of the Word of God.

3  There will be reaping – God said that it is doubtless. If we will go faithfully with a heart of compassion for those we are going to, God will give us souls for His glory.  Maybe that is why Jesus asks us to pray for laborers.  He doesn’t ask us to pray for souls to be saved because he knows that they will be saved if we will simply get the laborers to reach them.

As a result, there will also be rejoicing. There is no greater joy than seeing people trust Christ as their Savior.  Soul winners are happy people.  Maybe that is why they get along together.  Tonight is soul winning night at our church.  Why not come out and be a part of the Great Commission?  Bring your New Testament with you if you have one.  We will supply you with a partner, plenty of gospel tracts, and a field to sow the seed in.  I am praying for 20 soul winners to be out on the street tonight.  Why not be a part of it?

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Christine Veneklasen
Christine Veneklasen
9 years ago

Hi,I love Jesus and I want to win souls to Christ !!! I’m praying with you!
Thank you and God Bless your ministry !!!

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