God Spotted Him First

Today’s Reading 2 Samuel 4 – 6

So all the elders of Israel came to the king to Hebron; and king David made a league with them in Hebron before the LORD: and they anointed David king over Israel.  (2Samuel 5:3)

 The Men of Israel recognized the hand of God on David here in 2 Samuel after the death of Saul and his son Ishbosheth.  The men of Judah saw it seven years earlier when they anointed him to be king in Hebron.  But God spotted him first.  Way back when he was faithfully serving his father as a lowly shepherd boy, God saw the heart of a king when others could only see a young kid.

 I wonder how many potential kings that we have living in our midst.   They may not look like much today; but with a little encouragement, a little training, and a lot of love, the young people in our midst can become all that God knows that they can be.  Let’s not be guilty of looking on the outward appearance of our young people as they are today.  Instead, let’s see their hearts and view them as the kings that they could be tomorrow.  Let’s try to see what God already sees. 

 And for you old timers.  If you are the child of the King, there is a little royal blood in you as well.  Start acting like a king’s son or daughter.  Forget about all of the failures of your past and start conquering the world around you for the Kingdom of God.

Your thoughts on this are welcome.  Post a comment.

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Gary Geiger
Gary Geiger
14 years ago

Very difficult to look at others as if through the eyes of God with this sinfull flesh. As for me my flesh tends to cloud my perception. I often wounder how God really see’s me? If I look at it soberly; which most times I do not; my guess is He is pretty much disappointed in me; yet He somehow sees me as white as snow. I am amazed but have trouble comprehending the true depth of His love for me.

Roni Thompson
Roni Thompson
14 years ago

I think think that we tend to look at our kids and the kids around us and think that they should be perfect. Instead of looking at them through Gods eyes and seeing the potentential that is there and also forgetting that they are a construction site constantly just as we are. They tend to act like kids as they should. I think too that we need to step back and look at our kids with opened eyes and then we would be amazed at how our amazing our kids actually are when compared to the kids out there in the world. We have to remember but for the Grace of God our kids would be out there and would be no different. We also have to remember that all it takes is one little step for them to be heading in the wrong direction. I believe that God has his hand on our kids and has great plans for them. We however have to keep them under constant prayer.

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