The Scriptures

Sorry for the late post. Cindy, Hannah, and I left early this morning for the airport, and we finally arrived at my daughter and son-in-law’s home in Paradise, Texas at 2:30. I am re-posting the blog article from last year. I am slowly figuring out that I need to get at least a day or two ahead of the blog so that it will always be ready early in the morning.

Today’s Passages – Acts 17 – 19; Proverbs 21 (Second Milers also read – Psalms 101 – 105; Memorize – Romans 1:21) Listen to this morning’s Scripture Song – 1 Timothy 1:17

“For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publickly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ.” (Acts 18:28)

Just a quick thought this morning to wet your appetite for the Bible preaching that we will here at our churches today. Here in the latter part of verse 18, we read about Apollos. The Bible tells us that Apollos was eloquent and knew something about the doctrines of Christ, and he certainly was proficient in the Old Testament Scriptures; but he had a lot to learn. He had been baptized by John, but being perhaps because he was geographically away from the area where Christ was preaching and teaching, he was limited in his knowledge. Aquila and Priscilla took him under their way, and discipled him, causing him to become more grounded in the Word.

The Bible then goes on to explain that Apollos, after being trained, went into Achaia and there took the Word of God and boldly preached to the Jews there. Apollos was mightily used of God for two reasons. First is that he was Spirit-filled, proven by the boldness of his preaching. He had a power (Acts 1:8), and a passion that can only come from the Holy Spirit. Secondly, he used the Bible. He didn’t need the wisdom and philosophy of man when he had the most powerful tool in the world for reaching people, the Word of God.

Many of our churches today are sadly lacking and limiting Bible preaching. Many have eliminated services from their schedule where the Bible was taught. And even in the remaining services, the Bible is almost an afterthought. Preachers and teachers, God’s people do not need your philosophies and opinions; but they desperately need God’s Word. Let’s keep the Bible at the very center of our soul winning, and our church services. The preaching of the Word of God must be preeminent. Our people are starving spiritually, and the Bible has just what they need to give them health.

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