Just Do It

Listen to the audio from this morning’s message on this passage.

Today’s Passages – John 1 – 3; Proverbs 6

(Second Milers also read – Psalms 26 – 30; Memorize Psalm 100:4)

Listen to this morning’s Scripture song – Psalm 89:1

Read “The best Advice I Ever Received” by Dr, Paul Chappell

This is just a short thought from the passage this morning. I plan on preaching this thought this morning at the church. I will post the audio and notes from the message this afternoon.

“His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.” – (John 2:5)

Several years ago Nike developed an advertising campaign surrounding the phrase “Just Do It”. I don’t know if the phrase was original with them or not, but they made it very popular. The world is stilled filled with t-shirts and bumper stickers with the slogan on them.

As I was reading this morning’s passage and came to John 2:5, I thought about the phrase “Just Do It”. I got to thinking that this phrase kind of sums up the secret to the successful Christian life. We are to find out what God says and do it. Now before you fuss with me, I understand that salvation is a gift we receive, and not and not an action we do; but we do need to listen to what God says about salvation and then apply it personally to our lives. And then after we are saved, we are to find the will of God for our lives through the word of God, and obey it. God says that if we “just do it” we will have success and fulfillment in the Christian life.

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