Kiss the Son

Today’s Passage – Psalms 1 – 5

I have enjoyed our reading in the Book of Job but I am also excited now that we are exploring the Psalms.  My though this morning comes from the second Psalm.  In this Psalm we get a glimpse into Heaven and we hear from the throne of God; but we also have a view into the earth where we see that the rulers of this world have set themselves in rebellion against God.  In verse 4 we see that God laughs at this.  Who does little man think he is in comparison to an almighty God.  The rulers of this world may think that they have power and authority, but few of them realize that it was God that gave them their power, and God could remove it at any time.

As we get closer to the end of this present age we will see the mighty men of this earth become more brazen in their fight against God.  At times it may seem that God is absent or even powerless to fight back; but don’t lose heart, He is in full control of His universe, and His patience with the rulers of this present world is quickly running out.

God’s warning to the kings of the earth holds true for the common man as well.  He tells us to “serve the Lord with fear” and to “kiss the Son”.  If you have not yet received Christ as your Savior you need to “kiss the Son” by receiving the forgiveness that only He can give you through His shed blood on the cross of Calvary.  If you are saved, you still need to “kiss the Son” by living your live in complete submission to His will.

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Brian L.
Brian L.
14 years ago

I was watching a clip of Billy Graham preaching in Australia during 1959. He expressed that God is the final authority, and we are all under Him. What also caught my attention that correlates with this passage is that our time on this earth is merely a speck. whether we live to 60 or 80 years, in the eyes of God that is nothing. Such as rulers being rebellious against God, how long do they actually “rule” for?
So during our time living on this earth we need to accept Christ, worship God and humilify ourselves before Him. We may “think” were in control, but were not. If something is happening that may control our worldly situation, it may only for a little bit of time but then it fades away. What happens in our life God already predestined, He knows the beginning and end of all. To rebel against God because you feel your in control is a losing battle.
We all have a life to live, but we must do it glorifying and acknowledging the presence of God in our lives.

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