Where Can I Find Wisdom?

Today’s Passage – Job 28 – 30

But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? (Job 28:12)

And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. (Job 28:28)

In today’s reading we have seen a continuation of what we have been reading for the past several days.  Job is debating with his three friends regarding his calamity: they are claiming that Job is responsible; and Job is declaring his innocence.  However, in the middle of this discussion is a passage dealing with wisdom.  At first glance i wondered why God would put this teaching right in the middle of the discourse between Job and his friends regarding Job’s suffering; but then I remembered a similar teaching from the New Testament regarding trials and testing from the epistle penned by James.  Remember that James admonished us to “count it all joy” in the trials; but then he added some instruction regarding wisdom:

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. (James 1:5)

Apparently there is an association between enduring trials and wisdom.  God doesn’t hold back wisdom to those who fear him and depart from evil.  Job had the wisdom of God.  We know this to be true because later on when God enters into the discussion He states that Job spoke of Him the thing that is right.

If you are going through a time of testing, don’t seek the world and its counselors for wisdom: go to God.  If you fear Him and are seeking to do that which is right, God will give you the wisdom that you need to see your way through the trial.  In order for you to get to the other side you will need God’s wisdom, coupled with God’s grace.  It is apparent that Job had both of these attributes.

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Kathy Lopez
Kathy Lopez
14 years ago

As I was reading today’s passage I found myself reading and rereading Job 28:28. Wisdom can only be found in the Lord so if we desire wisdom we need to have a close relationship with him. This comes by faithfully reading His word and spending time with him in prayer. We need to be sure to have a good breakfast of His word each morning to be prepared for the day. The better we know Him (through the reading of His word) the better we will be able to demonstate the understanding part of the verse by departing and getting as far from evil as our feet can carry us.

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