Better Than I Deserve

Today’s Passage – Job 10 -12

Whenever I ask Evangelist Bob Hamblen how he is doing, he always replies, “better than I deserve”.  He, of course is right because all of us are doing better than we deserve since we all deserve to be burning in Hell because of our sin.  In today’s passage we are listening in on the conversation between Job and his three “friends”. Job is explaining his innocence and the friends are all pointing the finger of accusation against him.  They, with one accord, believe that Job is somehow reaping what he had sowed.

In the middle of this conversation, however, was a statement made by Zophar which caught my attention.  He said, “Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth”. Now I fully understand, in context, that Zophar was stating this to prove to Job that he was guilty, and that he really deserved more judgment than he had received.  However, the statement itself is very true for all of us.  We do receive less from God than our iniquity deserves.  We are doing “better than we deserve”.

The next time that you start feeling that life is giving you an unfair break, remember that things could get a whole lot worse.  And even if God allowed things to get as bad for you as it did for Job, you are still doing better than you deserve.

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Melissa Dilley
Melissa Dilley
14 years ago

God is like that insurance company that offers “accident forgiveness”. Christians don’t have to be miserable, always waiting for the ax to fall. Praise the Lord for His mercy endureth forever!!!!

14 years ago

For as much then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise wth the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.
This is the verse God gave me to help me understand the WHY? of suffering. My prayer is that God would be glorified through my suffering and that I would be able to have compassion and love for others who are hurting. That I would have a Christ like spirit even toward my enemies. For while we were yet sinners Christ died for us! This is the better than I deserve that I recieved from the Lord. This is what He requires of me to show to others!

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