Running with the Right Crowd

Today’s Passages – Psalm 119; Proverbs 10

(Second Milers also read – Matthew 19 – 20; Memorize – John 10:30)

Today’s Passage – Psalms 117 – Psalm 119:88

I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts.” (Psalm 119:63)

I love the 119th Psalm.  Nearly every verse has some type of reference to the Bible in it.  Each verse contains a word that represents God,s Word.  You will find the words  law, commandments, word, statutes, judgments, etc.; but the whole Psalm has to do with the Bible.  In verse 63 we see the word,precept; another word that is synonymous with God’s Word or Law.

Notice, however, that in this verse the Psalmist declares that his companions: the people he runs with; the men he is associated with, are people that keep God’s precepts; people that fear God.  It is very important that we hang around people who love the Lord and are at least trying to live for Him as best as they can.  Conversely, we need to avoid people who will influence us away from the word of God. The Bible says that “iron sharpeneth iron”, meaning that we have an impact and are impacted by those we rub against.

Who do you run with?  Are you surrounding yourself with companions that fear and obey God? Someone once said that you are or soon will be who you hang around. Why not try to run with a crowd that will bring you closer to the will of God.  We need to be friendly to everybody; we need to love everybody, even our enemies; but we should only be friends with those who are going the same direction that we are going.

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.” Romans 16:17

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3)

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Gary Geiger
Gary Geiger
13 years ago

“Beware of no man more than of yourself…we carry our worst enemies within us.”

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Gary Geiger
Gary Geiger
13 years ago

“Be ye not unequally yoked together.” This applies to membership in Secret Orders. A yoke is that which unites. Those who belong to a “lodge” are united in solemn oath and covenant with their “brother” members. Many of their fellow members give no evidence of being born again. They may believe in a “Supreme Being,” but what love have they for God’s Word? what is their relation to God’s Son? “Can two walk together except they be agreed?’ (Amos 3:3) Can those who owe their all to Christ, both for time and eternity, have fellowship with those who “despise and reject” Him? Let any Christian reader who is thus unequally yoked get from under it without delay.

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