Never Satisfied

Today’s Passages – Psalm 106 – 107; Proverbs 7

(Second Milers also read – Matthew 13 – 14; Memorize – 1 John 5:7)

“And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.”   (Psalm 106:15)

The Scripture referenced above has to do with the children of Israel during their wilderness wanderings.It seems that the people were always griping and complaining about their condition; always discontented about what God had provided for them.  You will remember that God gave them manna from Heaven, but the people lusted after meat.  God gave them what they wanted, but at what price?  The Psalmist tells us they received leanness into their souls.  I don’t think that God was upset with them because they had a physical hunger; but He did judge them because they put their lust for the physical above their love for Him.

How often do we put our physical, and other fleshly desires over the things of God.  There is nothing wrong with food, but when we become so consumed with eating, playing, enjoying, etc. that we become negligent of the spiritual we too will suffer the consequences of a spiritual famine.  I love to eat, I love to enjoy the good things that God has given us to enjoy in this life, but I don’t want to trade off the spiritual blessings that God has for me because of an over-appetite for the physical.

Notice the historical reference of this event from Numbers 11:

And while the flesh was yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, the wrath of the LORD was kindled against the people, and the LORD smote the people with a very great plague. (Numbers 11:33)

Our flesh is enemy # 1.  If we are not careful, we will allow our flesh to take over our lives.  We may be physically fat, but we will also be spiritually famished.

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