Singing, Thanksgiving, and Praise

Today’s Passages – Psalm 96 – 102; Proverbs 5

(Second Milers also read – Matthew 9 – 10; Memorize – 1 John 5:7)

“Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” (Psalm 100:2)

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.” (Psalm 100:4)

Gladness, singing, thanksgiving, and praise.  These are the words that the Psalmist uses in connection with the presence of God.  These words do not have exactly the same meaning, but they are all closely related.  Do these words describe your relationship with the Lord.  It has always amazed me that God’s people, the people that have more reason to be joyous than anybody else, tend to be the most miserable people on the planet.  Why is that?  Maybe it’s because that we don’t often come “before His presence”.  We serve a wonderful, glorious, and awesome Saviour.  Why shouldn’t we be happy and fulfilled as we walk in this life.  If we would just take a moment to reflect on God’s goodness to us, our hearts would be filled with the gratitude for Him.

I think the problem is that we so often become focussed on a small negative in life instead of the big picture.  When you feel a little bit down, and you are tempted to gripe and complain about your situation, why not try to refocus on the blessing of being a child of God:

1  Consider His Provision – God has been good to us.  He has promised to meet our needs, and he even graciously provides some of our desires.

2  Consider His Protection – God may not shield us from every evil and hurt that is out there; but think of all that he has protected us from already.  How many times has God miraculously kept me safe from some accident, or from some other painful experience?

3  Consider His Purpose – God has given us a reason to live; a reason to exist.  We get to represent Him; to shine His light in this dark and evil world.

If we were to take the time to think about it, we would realize that we have a lot to be thankful for; a lot to praise Him for; a lot to sing about.  God is good all the time.  God’s ways are right all the time.  This is the day which the Lord hath made;  we will rejoice and be glad in it. Besides, it’s a lot more fun to go through life rejoicing than griping regardless of your circumstances.

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