Teach Me Thy Way

Today’s Passages – Psalm 86 – 89; Proverbs 3

(Second Milers also read – Matthew 5 – 6; Memorize – 1 John 5:7)

Just a quick thought from the Word of God this morning. As I was reading this 86th Psalm, I gave some extra thought to the verse above. God wants to teach His children, but unfortunately many of His children are not very teachable. God will use several methods to instruct us, but the easiest way for us to learn is to apply what we read or hear from the Word of God to our lives. However, if we choose not to learn the lessons taught in the Word, then God will have to put us through the “School of Hard Knocks”. I spend much of my time in this learning center, and I bet many of you do as well. It’s too bad that we are not as mold-able and teachable as God would have us to be.

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