Leave Them Be

Today’s Passage – Ezra 5 – 7


Let the work of this house of God alone; let the governor of the Jews and the elders of the Jews build this house of God in his place.          (Ezra 6:7)

This verse jumped out at me when I read it.  Darius the King of Persia ordered the governors that were over the land of Judah to let the people of God alone; and stop trying to hinder them in their work of re-building the Temple.  If you recall from chapter 4, the devil had used some people to complain to the king about the Jews and the work they were trying to do.   The king (Atexerxes at the time) ordered the work stopped, because he believed the lies of these men.  Later, however, the people of God went back to work, apparently without authorization.  Again the children of the devil began to complain and worked to stop the people of God from their work.  This time, King Darius (whose heart was in the Lord’s hand) not only approved their work; but also financed it.  And best of all, he commanded that the enemies of God were to “leave them alone” in their work.


Today, there are many people inside and outside of the church that are working against the cause of Christ.  We can’t really do too much about the government, or anybody else outside of the local church; but let me offer some advice to those of you within the local body.  You need to find a way to support and serve your church as it strives to fulfill the Great Commission.  Keep your hands of hindrance off those who are trying to bring the ministry forward.  Lead, follow, but by all means get out of the way of the folks who are trying to do what God has called them to do.  Leave them be.


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14 years ago

We do have so many outside forces against us in the Lord’s work. Lets be sure that they stay outside and those of us who are doing the Lord’s work are striving together in His work and not working against each other from the inside. May the Lord help us to “Get God on us” like Bro. Tony Hutson preached at the revival meeting. I want God on me. 1st Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Suzanne DiCanio
Suzanne DiCanio
14 years ago

Interesting that there were only 2 prophets that prophesied to the Jews in the name of the God of Israel. There were only 2 men that rose up to build. Then the prophets also built with them – and GOD HELPING THEM.

Our number may be small but doesn’t our God love to use few to confound many.

If only 2 give their lives to pray and seek the Lord and only 2 rise up with them to the work with the Lord’s help, think what our God would do. We all know he can do it but it takes only a few to work His work and look what He does.

14 years ago

We do have so many outside forces against us in the Lord’s work. Lets be sure that they stay outside and those of us who are doing the Lord’s work are striving together in His work and not working against each other from the inside. May the Lord help us to “Get God on us” like Bro. Tony Hutson preached at the revival meeting. I want God on me. 1st Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ.

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