You’ve Gone Too Far This Time

Today’s Passage – 2 Chronicles 35 – 36 

And the LORD God of their fathers sent to them by his messengers, rising up betimes, and sending; because he had compassion on his people, and on his dwelling place:But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy.Therefore he brought upon them the king of the Chaldees, who slew their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary, and had no compassion upon young man or maiden, old man, or him that stooped for age: he gave them all into his hand. 

God, in His mercy, will send us messengers to warn us of  the judgment that is coming if we fail to humble ourselves before Him, and submit to His will.  Oftentimes the people of God would turn back to him and would escape the judgment, or at least postpone the judgment.  But here we see the people of God, not only rejecting the Word of God; but are also mocking and attacking His messengers. 

Today in America, the Spirit-filled preacher of the Word of God is also mocked, and sometimes even attacked by the world around them; and even sometimes by the people of God.  God will not put up with this too much longer.  There will come a time when God will say, “enough is enough”.  And when that happens we are finished as a nation. 

But let’s think of this a little more personally.  Do you as a faithful member of a Bible preaching church consider the preaching and teaching by the pastor as a message from God; or perhaps do you just think of it as just good information that may or may not be helpful.  Are we not guilty of almost the same thing as these people from Judah, when we don’t heed the warnings and exhortation given to us by God in our churches.  When you listen to the preaching this week, look past the preacher and focus on the message that God has supernaturally ordained to be given to you through His messenger.  Support your preacher: cheer him on as he labors to deliver the message from God to your family.

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Gary Geiger
Gary Geiger
14 years ago

I hear alot of talk these days about revival for our churches and our people. Let me explain something about revival. Revival dosen’t come just because we have dynamic guest preachers with heart touching messages, revival dosen’t come when we laugh and our spirits are uplifted, revival dosen’t even come when our hearts are torn over a message or when good friends of ours fall to the wayside or get sick. Revival only comes one way and that way is through repentance. All the previous examples will make revival appear to be present but oh for such a short time sometimes just until the next exciting message; but true revival is lasting no mater who preaches. All the roars of AMEN will follow when the lowliest of man praises God.

Dr. Henry Morris spoke about this in his latest issue of Acts and Facts. His text; ” Such churches are typified by the church at Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22), the last of the churches addressed in the seven letters of Revelation 2-3. This church represents a real christian church, with it’s candlestick still in place (revelation 1:20;2:5), one which seems to be doing well outwardly, in “need of nothing” materially, but one which is “lukewarm”, and therefore “wretched” spritually(vs 15-17). Such churches are urgently in need of revival, not a revival of mere emotional activity, but one of real substance and truth (verse 18)– that is repentance (verse 19).” Acts & Facts – April 2010

I will speak strictly for myself in saying this next statement. True revival will not happen in my life until I truthfully and whole-heartedly repent of my sins and trust that God will restore unto me the Joy of my salvation. I am a stiffnecked man, lukewarm in my walk, wretched in my spirit, able to enjoy the “emotion” of the activity without substance, without truth and yes without repentance. I wounder how many people can relate to this comment, I wounder????

Brian L.
Brian L.
14 years ago

I feel like God put this message out for me. I truly dont mean to be critical or judgmental on the Word of God, but sometimes it happens. I find myself thinking way too into the Word or what was preached and ALWAYS get lost.
I thank God for the Bible, and finding Jersey Shore Baptist Church. I feel and know the preaching and teaching of the Bible there is not off-route to what is suppose to be said and is very very clear about the message(s) behind the scripture.
so, I feel my “messenger” for today was this message, Amen to that.

14 years ago

Pastor I thank you for being a true preacher of all of the word of God. I thank the Lord that He has allowed me to be at our great church. I pray every Sunday morning on my way to church that God would prepare my heart for the message and meet my spiritual needs. I need to hear and I want to hear what God has for me each week. Thank you for your sacrifice and preparation and prayers that go into each message you preach. God always ministers to my heart through your messages.

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