He Would Put Strength In Me – The Saturday Morning Post

Today’s Reading – Job 22 – 26 (Click on the references to listen to the audio – Click here to view the passage from Blue Letter Bible)

(Second Milers Read – 1 Thessalonians 1 – 5; Psalms 51 – 55; Proverbs 11)

Read the “0611 Evening and Morning” devotion for today, by the late Charles Haddon Spurgeon

“Then Job answered and said, Even to day is my complaint bitter: my stroke is heavier than my groaning. Oh that I knew where I might find him! that I might come even to his seat! I would order my cause before him, and fill my mouth with arguments. I would know the words which he would answer me, and understand what he would say unto me. Will he plead against me with his great power? No; but he would put strength in me.” (Job 23:1-6)

Good morning. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were arguing with God? Are you waiting for the finger He placed on your head to come down and squash you like a bug? Job was going through rough times and told his friends…

“Will he plead against me with his great power? No; but he would put strength in me.” (Job 23:6)

Job knew that God would not squish him like a bug, but would give him the strength to get through everything. Don’t have a pity party and cry, “Why me?”

Allow the problem to draw you closer to God. And ask Him for the strength to get through it.


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Gary Geiger
Gary Geiger
2 years ago


Bob Fenton
Bob Fenton
2 years ago

Amen Pastor Ted.like the post.

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