He Relied Upon God – Do you?

Today’s Passage – 2 Chronicles 9 – 14

Thus the children of Israel were brought under at that time, and the children of Judah prevailed, because they relied upon the LORD God of their fathers.  (2Chronicles 13:18)

I get excited when I read about these good kings of Judah.  Here we have the chronicles of Abijah, the son of wicked king, Reheboam.  Abijah was faced in battle against the superior army of the northern kingdom of Israel.  Yet, he did not rely on anything but his God to deliver the people of God from the enemy.  Consider the following thoughts from the passage:

1  He did not follow the example of his father, or of the kings of the nations around him.  What is your excuse?  It does not matter what influences you have had or have still today; you can serve God.

2  He did not forsake the service of God’s Temple.

But as for us, the LORD is our God, and we have not forsaken him; and the priests, which minister unto the LORD, are the sons of Aaron, and the Levites wait upon their business: (2 Chronicles 13:10)

3  He did not forget that his military strength came from God.  He was outnumbered four to one; and was facing an army in the front as well as an ambush from the rear; but God fought for him and destroyed the enemy.

I don’t know what you are facing today; but I know that you can have the victory if God is with you.  But I guess the bigger question is, are you with God?  Are you following the right examples?  Are you not forsaking his House?  Are you not forgetting that He is your strength?  Just a thought.


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Suzanne DiCanio
Suzanne DiCanio
14 years ago

I noticed a verse the other day and as I was meditating upon it and searching the meaning from the Lord, the following thought came to me. You do not need to post this.

2Chron 6:1 :Then said Solomon, The Lord hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness.”

I wondered about this because God is pure light and in Him is no darkness at all. Why would he dwell in thick darkness. Doesn’t light dispell the darkness?

Then I thought that He indwells the believers in Christ and as we walk among those of this world he is dwelling in thick darkness by us.

This made me think of the verse in the New Testament which says that if your eye is single your whole body will be full of light but if the light that is in us is darkness, how great is that darkness.

We will only make a difference in this dark world if we shine as lights for our Lord in the midst of a lost world.

Just a thought. Thank you pastor for your messages each day. They mean so much to me and have helped me to be faithful in the Word and also in my hour of secluded prayer with our Lord each day.

Gary Geiger
Gary Geiger
14 years ago

Thank You Mrs. D for your thought. This morning I read chapter 5 and 6 and have come to the conclusion that God had manifested himself as a thick darkness in response to the trumpeters and singers praising the Lord through music; it says “the priest could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: For the Glory of the Lord had filled the House of God. 2 Cronicals 5:11-14.

All along in the national history of Israel the recognized symbol of the divine presence ( Exodus 16:10 , 24:16 , 40:34 , Numbers 9:15 , 1 Kings 8:10 1 Kings 8:11 ).

Wesley says: Thick darkness – He has indeed made darkness his pavilion. But let this house be the residence of that darkness. It is in the upper world that he dwells in light, such as no eye can approach.

Thanks for the study!!!


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