Have You Found The Book?

Todays Reading – 2 Kings 21 – 22

In chapter 22, we have the account of the great king Josiah.  I used to have debates with a good friend of mine as to who was the greatest king of Israel or Judah.  His favorite was Hezekiah; but mine was Josiah.  I like Josiah.  He started young, but he had a heart for God from the beginning of his reign until he died; and he caused God to postpone the judgment that was coming due to the sins of the kings before him.

As I mentioned already, Josiah was a good king from the start; but something happens in verses 10 and 11 that will destine him for greatness.  The men that were working on the Temple discover a copy of “the book of the law”, the Bible.  Apparently the Bible had been missing and out of use for many years because nobody seemed to even know about it at this point.  When Josiah reads it for the first time he “rent his clothes” because he knew that Israel and Judah had gotten completely away from the principles contained in “the Book”.  Once he has finished mourning over the sad state of affairs in his nation, he begins to implement in the nation all of precepts contained in the law.  He follows God with all of his heart and all of his strength; and God puts his blessings once again on the nation of Judah.

How about you?  Have you found “the Book”?  Have you discovered that “the Book” is not just a dusty decoration on your coffee table; but is a powerful source of nourishment for your hungry soul; and a bright light of direction in this dark world that we live in today.  Find your Bible; read your Bible; study your Bible; apply your Bible; and share your Bible with others. 

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Alisemary Becker
Alisemary Becker
14 years ago

Thanks Pastor for this timeless truth.What a blessing to have and know Gods Word! The priveledge we have as His children to claim His promises is amazing to me.Nothing satisfies my soul more than Gods precious promises.Truly man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God!Thank You Jesus!

Brian L.
Brian L.
14 years ago

I love the Bible. Whenever I am in doubt or need answers I find myself reaching for it more and more. Its becoming more aware to me that Gods word trumps the advice of the flesh and of this world. Thank you Lord!

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