What Should Hezekiah Do?

Today’s Reading – 2Kings 17 & 18

In chapter 17 of today’s reading we see the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel.  God had warned them for years that if they would not  listen to Him and turn from other gods; and also turn from their wicked ways, that He would judge them.  The powerful Assyrian nation came down from Ninevah and took captive all of the people of the northern kingdom and assimilated them into other cities of the Assyrians; and by doing so completely immersed them in the Assyrian culture.  It seems that Israel not only got what she deserved; but also received what she wanted.  Israel did not want to be a nation of God; they followed the heathen nations; and now they were part of a heathen nation.

In chapter 18, however, we see the same impending doom heading south to the nation of Judah and the city of Jerusalem. At this time Hezekiah is the king.  The difference between Judah and Israel is, however, that Judah, under the direction of Hezekiah, is a very godly nation at this time in their history.  They are following the Lord, and they are separating themselves completely from the heathen nations around them; and they are trusting in God to deliver them.  But here in this chapter they are facing the same threat that Israel faced and were defeated by.  Will God deliver them?  What will they do?  Will God save them if they call upon Him?  Tune in tomorrow to chapters 19 & 20 to find out.

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Gary Geiger
Gary Geiger
14 years ago

Just read 17-18 what a great story with many applications to seperated christians. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. So much truth in this. If I’m reading this right Hezekiah started out doing that which was right in the sight of the Lord just like when we do when we are newly saved. Then there arose another king, the king of Assyria who swayed the people of Hezekiah away from God. The devil is so subtle., just when we think we got this whole christian thing down before we know it we are working more for the other side. Have you comprimised an area of your life that you had right with God when you got saved? I know I have. Read a little bit of 19 and saw that the kingdom was given back to Hezekiah but not without regret. Personally the devil would have me believe that my past regrets, God will not forgive, but Satan is dead wrong!!! I thank God that I serve a king that sees me as perfectly clean dispite my past regrets.

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