Windows in Heaven

Todays Reading – 2 Kings 7 – 8 

Then a lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God, and said, Behold, if the LORD would make windows in heaven, might this thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof. (2 Kings 7:2) 

In today’s passage we see the the city of Samaria surrounded by an overwhelming army of the Syrians.  This massive host from Syria had the city surrounded for some time, which caused the Israelites to run completely out of food on the inside of the city; with no way to get out to get more food.  Things got so bad the people were actually buying and selling dove’s dung to eat.  Some had even killed and ate children.  Pretty hopeless situation. 

Along comes the man of God and tells them that at the same time the next day the situation would be reversed, so much so that food that was very expensive the previous day would be sold for next to nothing on the next day.  But one of the lords (princes) of Israel doubted the Word of God through the mouth of the prophet, and stated basically that this is impossible, even if God were to open the windows of heaven. 

You can read the story for yourself; but God did exactly what he said he would do.  The Syrians heard the sound of chariots, and assumed that their enemies from Egypt or maybe the Hittites were coming to help Israel by attacking them.  They flee, leaving all of their food and goods behind.  Israel discovers that the Syrians have left, and they come out of the city and spoil the camp of the Syrians. 

It looks like God truly opened up the windows of heaven.  We have a promise from the word of God regarding those same windows in heaven: 

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.  (Malachi 3:10) 

God has promised us that if we will  keep him first in our lives that he will keep those windows open.  He doesn’t promise that we will all live in mansions on this earth and eat caviar; but praise the Lord, we won’t have to eat dove’s dung either. 

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Katelyn Erickson
Katelyn Erickson
14 years ago

There are times when a get discouraged, and ungrateful about what I “lack” but God is good to remind me through scripture, sermons, and even circumstances of His care for me and my needs. The times when i become discontent, God often allows something big to happen to remind me of how blessed i truly am, and though it’s usually something that convicts my heart, I thank God for His constant desire for me to be near to Him and be more like Him.
“When God is all you have, He will be all you need.”

Anthony Morales
Anthony Morales
14 years ago

I guess to me what this means is that we Should be grateful. Theres so many things we do not deserve but go still wantsus to be happy. That how I feel bout this Passage

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