There’s A New Sheriff in Town

Todays Reading – 2 Kings 2 – 4

In chapter 2 of 2 Kings we see the account of Elijah, the mighty prophet of God being translated by God up into Heaven.  Can you imagine what it must have been like for Elijah, and even for the people who witnessed it, to see the chariot of fire come down to pick him up.  Wow!  Before Elijah left, however, he passed his mantle (garment, robe) to Elisha and with the mantle came a “double portion of [Elijah’s] spirit”.

I have a couple thoughts regarding this transition.  First I think that it is a marvelous thing that Elijah took the time to diligently mentor young Elisha.  He did not just teach him, he demonstrated through his life a man that knew God, walked with God, and was greatly used of God.  He made serving God look good.

Secondly, I think about Elisha who did not squander the training and the mentoring he received from Elijah.  He took the foundation that was given him and he used it and built upon it.  I haven’t checked it myself, but I’ve heard other preachers say that Elisha performed twice the number of recorded miracles than did Elijah. 

I remember as a young Christian there were men who took time to mentor me.  There were actually many men that had a part in my training, but one man stands out above all of the rest.  Pastor Rick Wedemeyer spent time with me.  He was very patient with me.  He let me get close to him; he let me see first hand the love he had for his family and for the people of his church.  He still is a great friend and counselor to me today.  I wonder if some young Christian will say some day about me that I was a great mentor to them.  I hope so.  Why don’t you find someone, maybe a new convert, maybe a kid on the bus; and pour your life into him.  Now this is going to cost you some time and you might want to straighten yourself out first as you wouldn’t want to be the wrong kind of influence; but if you’re willing to do this, your life will continue to live on through the person you mentor after your gone.

And you young Christians:  why don’t you find some older, spiritual saint of God, and latch on to him for a while, and take what he gives you and give it to the next generation.

And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. 

2 Timothy 2:2

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Cindy Erickson
Cindy Erickson
14 years ago

As I have watched you Pastor ( Honey ) over the years, not only have you mentored many people ,whom you will probably never even know till you get to heaven , you have been a great mentor to me. It has always been hard for me to be the mentor type because I have always felt not worthy of that , like I have nothing to offer. But lately the Lord has laid that on my heart to be and do just that, so 2 Timothy 2:2 being the great verse that it is, should help us to .realize that we all have something to offer , even if it is to help just one person. With the Lords help I pray that I can some day be a mentor to someone.

Sarah Becker
Sarah Becker
14 years ago

Thanks Pastor! I have been a little discouraged about teaching and the responsibility of the influence that God has brought on with teaching. This has inspired and encouraged me more than you can imagine. God truly has a plan for these kids that I teach and I can guide them to whatever that plan may be.

Anthony Morales
Anthony Morales
14 years ago

It really was Hard for me to get what this passage meant.I guess I was looking with my eyes but not my heart. I guess this means we should be and encourager, and a influence on kids younger than us. We should be a leader and guid them into the right be and make sure they don’t go down the wrong path or the World and thats How I feel about it.

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