God Is a Promise Keeper


Today’s Passage – Joshua 19 – 21 (Click on the references to listen to the audio – Click here to view the passage from Blue Letter Bible)

(Second Milers also read – Philemon – Hebrews 4Proverbs 18Psalms 86 – 90

Listen to this morning’s Scripture song –  Psalm 19

Read the “0318 Evening and Morning” devotion for today, by the late Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

“There failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass.” – (Joshua 21:45)

In the Book of Joshua, in chapters 19 – 21, we see the continuation of the division of the land among the 12 tribes of Israel. Chapter 20 specifically deals with the six cities of refuge and chapter 21 reveals the 48 cities that were to be given to the the Levites. These cities were to be given from within the borders of all of the other tribes so that the priests and ministers of the Lord would be nearby all of the people of Israel. The Levites were not really given a possession of land but they were provided cities to live in and suburbs for their cattle to graze in. This is probably where we got the idea of the church parsonage, and it is probably also why the United States Government does not tax these dwellings. God made sure that His ministers were well taken care of.

The verses that really captured my attention, however, from this morning’s reading was in chapter 21, verses 43 – 45. Here, it says that God held up His end of the bargain. He did everything that He said He would do. He promised them a land and He delivered. He promised them victory over the inhabitants of that land and He gave it. He promised them provision all along the way and they were provided for. In fact, the only time that things did not work out as they were supposed to was when the people did not listen to God’s instruction and acted outside of His will.

We can trust in the promises of God. There are many promises for us in the New Testament as well. Some of them are unconditional, like our eternal security once we’ve placed our faith in Christ. However, many of them are conditional upon our obedience and faith. God says that if we will follow Him, He will do certain things for us. For instance, He says that He will provide for us and protect us and give our lives purpose. These are only a few general samples of what God promises His children today. And God will keep up His end of the bargain. He will do what He says He will do. The question, however, is will you follow Him? Will you trust Him and do what you’re supposed to do? If things don’t turn out as He promised, it’s not because God slipped up. It is because we haven’t done what we are supposed to do. Why not find and believe God’s promises for you today, and why not do what He says that you have to do on your end in order for Him to bless you and your family.

By the way, the picture of the rainbow at the top is a reminder of one of God’s promises. He promised back in Genesis that He would no longer destroy the whole earth with a flood. There has been flooding at many times and in many places, but the water never again engulfed the entire earth. He told us that He set His bow in the clouds to remind us of that.

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Cindy Erickson
Cindy Erickson
3 years ago

Why would anyone not want the provision of God? If they only knew how the Lord would take care of them. If we did a better job (me included) of getting the gospel to people they could know the love, protection, peace, comfort and provision that he will give if they just trust in Him.

3 years ago

Amen Pastor, as i read the blog it came to mind about the hymns that we sing in church about the promises of God. Are we walking and living to the words that we sing and believing in the promises of God.As I look back on my life God has never broke one of His promises and never failed me.

Bob Fenton
Bob Fenton
2 years ago

Amen Pastor.

Gary Geiger
Gary Geiger
2 years ago


Bob Fenton
Bob Fenton
3 months ago

Amen Pastor. if you cannot trust or stand on the promises of God, take a good look at our nation total chaos dysfunctional out of touch with reality. Confusion depravity lawlessness. corruption. Lying deceiving , embracing evil as good, and good as evil ,it is coming and heading to a point of self-destruction. and let me throw in the rest of this world also. and let me end with this, I will choose to trust and stand on the promises of God. like the post.

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