The Saturday Morning Post by Pastor Ted Stahl

Micah 4:1 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.  

I kept coming back to this verse while reading. As I dwelled upon this verse I could picture all the people flowing into the house of the LORD. Then I started to think of those who influenced me for Christ. Then I got to thinking of the one who probably influenced me the most: my uncle: Frank Lyons.

I love my Uncle Frankie. He taught me how to build model airplanes: plastic and balsa wood ones. During WWII he was in the air force, stationed over in England. He was the faithful son that took care of his mother till her death. When I was a young child, he would take me, my mom, and grandmother to church. He played his guitar in church. He read his Bible and loved Jesus.=If I had to sum up my uncle in one word, it would be: faithful. Being up in age, Uncle Frankie has some problems. My sister Ruthie is caring for him. He was in a wheel chair for a while, but I’m happy to report that he is using his walker again.

What else can I say about Uncle Frankie? I know he prays for me. He reads his Bible through around six times a year. And like I said, even though he has problems, he still does these things: he still loves the Lord. Faithful. That is the idea behind the picture. I took this shot of a Monarch Butterfly down by the ocean. He had part of his wing missing, but he was still flying around doing what butterflies do. Working with the Senior Saints Sunday School, I see lots of damaged butterflies. But they are not as damaged as you think. As long as we are all alive, God still has something for us to do. We will be busy for the Lord until He calls us home. Till then, may we all be found faithful like my Uncle Frankie. Let’s increase the flow.


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