The Saturday Morning Post by Pastor Ted Stahl

Today’s Reading-Ezekiel 17-19

Death Of A Salesman

Eze 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

How are you doing this morning?  When me and Gerald were outside the church building praying together, I could feel God’s peace. No matter how the economy is, all the turbulence and trouble in the world, we can still have peace: a peace that passeth all understanding. Do you have that peace? Eze. 18:4 says that the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

You die to the Proper Priorities: the first being God. Where has your quiet time, your walking with God, and your Bible reading gone? And how about prayer? Second is family. Do you find you have less quality time with your family? Do you find yourself always running here and there with no time to spare? The third priority is church. No tithe or offering anymore. No serving. No fellowship. You need fellowship. God has given everyone of us gifts. Without fellowship we cannot edify or be edified.

You die to Spiritual Things. Do you still believe the Bible? Do you get upset at what is said in church (from the pulpit or other)? Do you become critical of everything? Did you quit on God?

You die Physically. Are you still there? Are you still reading this? Good! Then you’re not dead yet! God is not done with you yet. There is still time to change your mind about where your life is going. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Start by getting your priorities right. God comes first. Start with prayer. Ask Him to forgive you for ignoring the only One who can give you life. Get back to your Bible reading, and believe what you read. Ask God to remove your critical spirit. If you put God first, everything else will fall into place. Peace.

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