Watch Your Step

Today’s Reading – Jeremiah 49 & 50

Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, saith the Lord GOD of hosts: for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee. (Jeremiah 50:31)

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18)

In the two chapters that we are reading today we see God’s judgment upon some more of the nations that surround Israel. The judgment upon these nations came through the hand of the mighty nation of Babylon, the same nation that God raised up to judge the nation of Judah. However, something very interesting happens in chapter 50: God judges the nation that He raised up to judge His people. Babylon was the tool that God used to punish His own people, but now God will judge and punish Babylon. Why? Because of their pride. It is clear from the Scripture that God actually raised up the nation of Babylon and equipped them to bring His people, Judah, into captivity. But as often happens, this nation began to believe that they were mighty because of their own wisdom and strength. Babylon was raised up by God, yet did not recognize God as the source of her success. America had better watch her step. Perhaps a fall is headed our way. Why? We have forgotten that it is God that has blessed us, and given us what we have today. Do we recognize that? I think it is safe to say that as a nation we have forgotten and forsaken God.

I also got to thinking about how often we as individuals get prideful about the gifts that God has given us. God has given us life and has uniquely gifted and equipped each one of His children; but sometimes we begin to get haughty about these gifts, as if we produced them ourselves. I had little to do with who I am. I am today a combination of  what God made me, and what others have invested in me. Why then should I think myself to be better (or worse) that somebody else. I have found that pride often manifests itself in three different areas: arrogance; over-confidence; and independence. If you really think about it, pride is the elevation of self to the extreme that self is placed above God. God is actually removed fro the throne, and self is placed upon it. We had better watch our step. Pride is inside of each one of us, more so than we realize; and we had better recognize that without God, we are less than nothing. God is patient; but eventually a fall will come our way if we continue to elevate ourselves above each other; or worse, above God.

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Gary Geiger
Gary Geiger
13 years ago

ALL FALL and COME SHORT. Are you healthy today? – tomorrow you may be sick. Are you wealthy today? – tomorrow you may be poor. Are you free today? – tomorrow you may be bound. Are you happy today? – tomorrow you may be sad. Do you have a nice car today? – tomorrow you may be in a wreck. Do you live in a nice house today? – tomorrow it may burn to the ground. Is you belly full today? – tomorrow you may be hungry. Do you have shelter today? – tomorrow you may be homeless. Do you have work today? – tomorrow you may be unemployed.

Rich Frick
Rich Frick
13 years ago

I need to remind myself often of this.

13 years ago

Pride comes easily when I separate myself into my own “little world”.But it is humbling to take the time to really,trully love,care and get involved in ministering to others and praying for the needs of others.

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