Guest Post by Sarah Becker

Todays Passage – Psalm 44 – 50

God is our refuge and strength,

a very present help in trouble.

(Psalm 46:1)

I love how this verse says that he is “very present”. For a long time, I didn’t think “very” fit here, but I knew that God’s word was perfect and that He had it there for a reason. As trials come and go, I see how fitting “very” is in this verse. God is emphasizing his omnipresence. I may have had knowledge that He is with me, but is it real in my life? God is not just present in my day He is very present.

So many times I think I need a person right then and there to help me with a problem because I thought they would understand, but they weren’t there or they really didn’t understand. I thought I needed them; I thought that they would solve the problem. Thinking it was the end of the world because no one could help me, I finally think of God. Ashamed of myself because He was my last resort, I find the Lord has been waiting for me to come to Him. When I do finally run to Him, I remember, through different circumstances throughout the day, Him calling my name. I am humbled at the fact that He still loves me and still helps me, even when I ignore His “very present help”.

If you find yourself in the same predicament in your life, let this verse and any other verse about God’s omnipresence help you. I’m so glad that I’m saved and I have Someone to turn to in times of trouble. This makes me want to be faithful to show and tell others how awesome and amazing He is to me. I hope it makes you want to do the same.

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Camille Stahl
Camille Stahl
14 years ago

I love the tenderness and gentle love GOD show us. No matter what HE is always there with HIS loving arms around us!

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