Did You Have Your Breakfast This Morning?

Today’s Passage – Job 23 – 25

Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. (Job 23:12)

Nutritionists tell us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that is probably true; and many of us, no matter how busy we might be, take the time to grab a little bit of nourishment in the morning.  However, how many of God’s people begin their day with some nourishment from the Word of God?  Job said here that he considered the time spent in God’s Word to be the most important meal of the day.  I want to give you a few thoughts as to why we should start our day with the Word of God:

1  For most of us, the morning is the quietest time of the day, especially if you are disciplined enough to get out of bed before the rest of the house gets up. When it is quiet you can hear the voice of God.  There are less distractions that will cause your mind to wander.  Many doctors believe that the early hours of our day are the times that we are the most alert and have the most energy.

2  We should also spend time with God before we spend time with men.  God wants to brief us via His Word regarding the issues we are going to face each day.  He prepares us ahead of time with wisdom for the battles that lie ahead. When we go into our day without having spent time with God, we go unprepared; and often will fail in the battle.

3  Without the Word of God we will lack the strength that we need to endure the battle.  We have all seen what happens to people who fail to fuel their bodies for the day; but Christians desperately need spiritual fuel from God’s Word in order to have the strength to make it through the day in the will of God.

Job endured one of the worst trials that God had ever given a man to face.  God says that He will not give a man more than he can handle.  Job could handle this great test in life because he was prepared for it; he was strengthened ahead of time through his time spent in the Word of God.

How about you?  Did you have your spiritual breakfast this morning?  Are you prepared for what lies ahead of you today?  Will you come forth as gold in the trial that is lying in your path today?  Why not stop what you are doing and take a few minutes to refuel your spirit before the battle begins today.

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