A Full House

Today’s Reading – 2 Chronicles 3 – 5

 …for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of God. (2 Chronicles 5:14)

In today’s passage we read about the completion of the Temple on Mount Moriah.  Everything was done according to the instructions that were given from David by God.  It was much more elaborate and luxurious than the Tabernacle of the Wilderness.  What made this an awesome place was not the tons of gold, silver, and brass that was throughout the place; but rather the fullness of the glory of God within.  God was present with the people of Israel in His temple.

I want the church here in Galloway to be filled with the glory of God.  Our church will not be known for its elaborate architecture, or its beautiful landscaping; but it can be known as a place where God’s glory lives.  It can be a place where people can come and know that they have heard from God.  How can that happen?  How can we continue to have the presence of God with us here at Jersey Shore Baptist Church? 

1  We must keep the  Commandments of God in the place of preeminence.  In other words, nothing must take the place of the preaching and teaching of God’s Word.

2  We must keep the Commision of God in the place of priority.  We must be primarily about the business of reaching people with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

3  We must work to keep the Children of God in the place of peace.  David said, Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity  (psalm 133:1).  God is pleased when His peple are of one mind in one accord, striving together for Him.

Are these three ingredients present in our church?  God will be with us, only if we surrender our agenda; and yield completely to His perfect will.  As a preacher, I am always very concerned that the house is full of people; but I should be far more concerned that the house is filled with the glory and presence of God.

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Sarah Becker
Sarah Becker
14 years ago

God’s been working in my life about this very thing. I realize that it’s not your job, pastor to do those three things. It’s my job to have a good attitude and forgiving heart in difficult situations. If all of us work on our own hearts then these three ingredients will be present in every aspect of our life, and will just flow throughout the entire church.

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