Give God the Glory

Today’s Passage – Genesis 41 – 42 (Click on the references to listen to the audio – Click here to view the passage from Blue Letter Bible)

(Second Milers also read – Mark 3 – 4; Proverbs 16; Psalms 76 – 80

Listen to this morning’s Scripture song – Ephesians 4:32

Read a previous post from this passage – “In His Time

Read the “0116 Evening and Morning“ devotion for today, by the late Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

“And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace.” (Genesis 41:16)

In chapter 41 of Genesis, we hear about Pharaoh’s dreams of the corn and the kine. He knows that these dreams mean something, but he has no clue what the significance of them is. He learns that there is a man named Joseph down in the dungeon that has been known to interpret dreams for other people. Joseph is hastily summoned to appear before Pharaoh, and Pharaoh questions him about his supposed ability to explain the meaning of these of these dreams. Joseph is very quick to deflect the focus from himself to the Lord. He doesn’t take any credit for his gift but immediately gives the glory to God. In fact, five times in Joseph’s discussion with Pharaoh Joseph mentions God to Pharaoh. (vs. 16, 25, 28, and 32) Pharaoh gets the message also, because in vs. 38 and 39, he acknowledges that the interpretation of the dream can from God also:

“And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is? And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art:” (Genesis 41:38-39)

This heathen king was introduced to the God of the Universe all because Joseph took an opportunity to use a gift that was given to him by God and acknowledge the fact that it was God who enabled him to do it. 

How many opportunities do we get each day to display our God-given abilities to the lost world around us? But, when we do a good job and we are recognized, do we give God the glory by letting everybody know that it is God who is working through us? Let’s not steal God’s glory, and let’s not waste opportunities to be witnesses for the Lord. Our sole purpose in life is to make God look good and to glorify Him in front of a lost and dying world. If we meet Pharaoh in Heaven someday, it will likely be because Joseph made God look good. How many people do we point to God?

By the way, the opposite of this story is also true. When we do wrong things in front of the lost people around us, we are making God look bad. What an awesome responsibility and privilege we have to represent the Lord in this world. Let’s be sure to give Him the glory when we get things right and take the blame when we do things wrong. Let’s make God look good to the world around us.

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Deb Leatherman
Deb Leatherman
1 year ago

This reminds me of the young singing groups that came to our church back at the time when Katelyn, Wes, & Melissa were all in Bible college.. many of those young people would say “Praise the Lord “ when you’d compliment their singing & playing. What a good reminder of The One that is to be lifted up & where all good gifts come from. Thx preacher.

Bob Fenton
Bob Fenton
1 year ago

Amen Pastor. We as Christians sing the hymn, To GOD BE THE GLORY. Actually we have to ask ourselves are we giving him the glory that He deserves or are we putting Him last instead of first, or are we spending more time watching tv or on our iPhones or computers. We have to weigh in the balance of time that we give Him. Our lord is first. He and only He is First, and gets the Glory. Like the post.

Gary Geiger
Gary Geiger
1 year ago

Good job

Desiree Jones
Desiree Jones
1 year ago

Stay off your phones ipads and electronic devices we need to put god first in our life. Because God is powerful.

Bob Fenton
Bob Fenton
5 months ago

Amen Pastor.As a Christian if you feel you need s pat on the back make sure God is doing the patting and not the post.

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