Forbid Them Not

Today’s Passages – Luke 17 – 18

“But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” – (Luke 18:16)

One of the biggest regrets that I have is that in recent days we have had to scale back our bus ministry. We have had to cut out one Sunday morning route, and also eliminate our Sunday evening Kid’s Club program. A year ago at this time we were running two buses on Sunday morning, and a “packed” bus on Wednesday evenings for Kid’s Club. Four of our best children’s workers left for Bible college, and another very dedicated worker took a job as a church secretary in North Carolina. I am thrilled that we have young adults going away to serve the Lord, but I sure do miss their energy and enthusiasm around here. I believe that any church that is doing what it should be doing will be a church committed to reaching, training, and loving children. I am excited that two of our college students will be back at Christmastime, which should enable us to get these ministries back up and running.

I believe the Lord wants us to spend a good deal of our attention and energy reaching children for the following reasons:

1  They are easier to reach. Adults are far more difficult to reach with the gospel, probably because of their pride. Children will be more open to the simple truths of the gospel: they are not so “set” in their beliefs.

2  They are easier to teach. Children have a lot less mental baggage in their heads and hearts. They retain information so much easier than we adults do. They remember so much more of what they learn.

3  They are easier to preach to. They do not get offended as adults do. Preachers have a lot more liberty preaching to children simply because they do not worry as much about offending them. As a result children are hearing the straight truth, not mixed with any sweeteners that make it more palatable.

I could say a lot more about the blessings of working with children. Suffice it to say that children are a real blessing. By the way, the best workers that we have in the church today are those that grew up here as children. They get the picture. They understand what this ministry is all about. Let’s do all that we can do to keep the children coming!

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Barbie Burris
Barbie Burris
9 years ago

Wow what a blessing as I read this while getting ready to go out on van route this morning! Dr . Hyles said that the bus ministry is the greatest soul winning tool of our age . I am so blessed to a part of the bus ministry ,

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