What’s Your Reputation Like?



Today’s Passage – 1 Thessalonians 1 – 5; (Click on the references to listen to the audio – click here to view the text from the Blue Letter Bible website)

(Second Milers also read –Psalms 66 – 70; Proverbs 14)

Listen to this morning’s Scripture song – Ephesians 4:32

Read another post from this passage – “What’s Right With It

“So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia. For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing.” – (1 Thessalonians 1:7-8)

What do people think of when they here your name? What do they think of when they hear the name of our church? Notice what it says in the above verses about the reputation of the Church at  Thessalonica. They were examples to all the believers of Macedonia and Achaia, which are both part of the Grecian Peninsula. Then it goes on to say that their reputation went beyond their immediate area, and spread abroad to “every place”. I am not in agreement with those who would say that the gospel should not be audibly spoken to those around us, only lived; but it seems that these Thessalonians, not only spoke the gospel with their mouths, they communicated their faith with their lives also. So much so that they were famous for their faith throughout the world.

What kind of reputation do you and I have. I am not suggesting that we should strive for some kind of notoriety among fellow believers, but I do think that we should be concerned that our lives are consistent with what we believe. Our words as well as our actions should communicate to those around us that we are indeed followers of Christ. I want our faith to be known in our community as a church that loves the Lord in sincerity, and believes and follows the Bible literally. Again, I am not seeking the accolades of men, but I do want the world to know that there are churches out there that are real.

Jesus said that we are to shine the light of the gospel to the world around us. It seems that this church in our passage today did just that. I hope that our church will have that same testimony.

One more thing. Did you notice what the caption says on the picture above. One foolish act can ruin an otherwise good reputation. Some mistakes that we make will take a long time to recover from, and unfortunately, some we will never recover from completely. I am not trying to condemn those who have made mistakes in the past here as much as I am trying to admonish and encourage those who have yet to blow it. Nobody is perfect, but the less skeletons we accumulate in our closets the better testimonies we will have. Keep your reputation in tact. Christ is glorified when we live out our faith in sincerity and purity, without hypocricy.

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Your Reputation Says It All

Today’s Passages – 1 Thessalonians 1 – 5 ; Proverbs 14

(Second Milers also read – Psalms 66 – 70; Memorize – Micah 5:2)

Listen to this morning’s Scripture song – Psalm 119:105

Read last year’s post from this passage – “What’s Right With It?”

“So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia. For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing.” – (1 Thessalonians 1:7-8)

What do people think of when they here your name? What do they think of when they hear the name of our church? Notice what it says in the above verses about the reputation of the Church at  Thessalonica. They were examples to all the believers of Macedonia and Achaia, which are both part of the Grecian Peninsula. Then it goes on to say that their reputation went beyond their immediate area, and spread abroad to “every place”. I am not in agreement with those who would say that the gospel should not be audibly spoken to those around us, only lived; but it seems that these Thessalonians, not only spoke the gospel with their mouths, they communicated their faith with their lives also. So much so that they were famous for their faith throughout the world.

What kind of reputation do you and I have. I am not suggesting that we should strive for some kind of notoriety among fellow believers, but I do think that we should be concerned that our lives are consistent with what we believe. Our words as well as our actions should communicate to those around us that we are indeed followers of Christ. I want our faith to be known in our community as a church that loves the Lord in sincerity, and believes and follows the Bible literally. Again, I am not seeking the accolades of men, but I do want the world to know that there are churches out there that are real.

Jesus said that we are to shine the light of the gospel to the world around us. It seems that this church in our passage today did just that. I hope that our church will have that same testimony.

One more thing. Did you notice what the caption says on the picture above. One foolish act can ruin an otherwise good reputation. Some mistakes that we make will take a long time to recover from, and unfortunately, some we will never recover from completely. I am not trying to condemn those who have made mistakes in the past here as much as I am trying to admonish and encourage those who have yet to blow it. Nobody is perfect, but the less skeletons we accumulate in our closets the better testimonies we will be. Keep your reputation in tact. Christ is glorified when we live out our faith in sincerity and purity, without hypocricy.

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What’s “Right” With It?

Today’s Passage – 1 Thessalonians 1 – 5

“Abstain from all appearance of evil.” (1 Thessalonians 5:22)

It seems like it is getting harder and harder in these perilous times that we are living in to promote Biblical separation. Christians, especially in America, have become very worldly. It is very difficult to spot a Christian in the crowd today as we just do not stand out like we used to. Christians today ask the questions, “what’s wrong with this or what’s wrong with that?”, but maybe we really should be asking “what’s right with this? or what’s right with that?”. The verse above reminds us that we are not supposed to be just inside the fence when it comes to abstaining from sin, but we are really supposed to be way inside, as far away from the fence as possible. We are not supposed to be anywhere near things that may even appear to be evil. It is often not a decision between right and wrong; but between good and best. Christians ought to be willing to take the higher path; go the second mile.

Now, before you start attacking me, I am well aware that we are not under any law, but are under grace. I also know that we are saved by faith in Christ alone, and not because we live a separated life. I also know that God loves carnal Christians just as much as He loves separated Christians. But, make no mistake about it, it is God’s will for us to be a people, not only separated from things that are clearly sinful, but also things that even appear to be wrong. Why do you think that is? I have given this subject a lot of thought through the years; but I believe it has to do with our purpose for living here on the earth. We are here to glorify God. We are His ambassadors. If we would be completely honest with ourselves, we would have to admit that when we partake in things that are wicked, or even close to the line, we are doing so to gratify our own fleshly desires. We are certainly not doing these things because we feel that they will help us lead more people to the Lord.

Christian, be careful. God wants to live through you. God wants to reveal Himself to the people around you through your life. Be careful about how you represent Him. The things you do; the things you say; the clothes you wear (or don’t wear); the entertainments that you partake in; your faithfulness to church services; etc. All of these things should be considered. Remember, it is not about you; it is all about the Lord, and the people the Lord wants to reach through you. I think we would all do better with this if we would all spend a little more time asking the Lord, “what’s right with it?” should I wear this? should I go here? should I participate in this? If God gives you the green light, than go ahead; but if you don’t have peace about it, refrain. Remember, the peace and blessing that God will give you will far exceed any temporary pleasure that comes from a wrong decision.

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